ELR Onboarding Sprint (R)

Onboarding (100% of total)

Topic Nonparticipation (0) Below Expectations (1-2) Acceptable (3-4) Exceeds Expectations (5)
Assigned onboarding tasks The student did not attempt to complete the assigned onboarding tasks. The student failed to complete any or an adequate amount of the required onboarding tasks. For each of the required onboarding tasks, the student either completed the task or identified and reported technical problems in it. For each of the required and optional onboarding tasks, the student either completed the task, identified a solution to unexpected technical problems in it, or provided sound reasoning about an unexpected challenge in completing the task.
Discussion and Communication The student did not participate in any discussion. The student only had minimal discussion despite being blocked by some technical or other problem. The student actively participated in the discussion to resolve technical or other problems. The student contributed unique questions/solutions/ideas in the discussion.
Conformance to project-specific rules & conventions The student did not follow the project-specific convention and rules. The student tried to follow the project-specific rules and conventions, but failed to follow most of them or one or two critical ones properly. The student followed most of the project-specific rules and conventions, with minor omissions. The student followed the project-specific rules and conventions.