Assigned research works |
The student did not attempt to complete the assigned research works. |
The student attempted but failed to demonstrate an acceptable amount of progress or effort for the assigned research works. |
The student attempted and succeeded to demonstrate an acceptable amount of progress or effort for the assigned research works. |
The student attempted and (1) completed all assigned research works; or (2) identified unexpected challenges/questions/problems in the assigned works or future project plans; or (3) fixed an unexpected problem in the assigned works; or (4) made clarification for an unexpected challenge/issue in the future project plan. |
Producing research artifacts |
The student did not produce or attempt to produce any research artifact. |
The student attempted but failed to demonstrate an acceptable amount of progress or effort to produce research artifacts. |
The student attempted and succeeded to produce most of the planned research artifacts, though there may be imperfections in the artifacts such that it requires future investigation. |
The student attempted and produced most of the planned research artifacts, and achieved one of the following: (1) producing planned research artifacts that validate the expected research outcome; (2) or producing planned or unplanned research artifacts that lead to contradictory results to the expected research outcome, and reveal problems in the original design. |
Discussion and Communication |
The student did not participate in any discussion. |
The student only had minimal discussion despite being blocked by some technical or other problem. |
The student actively participated in the discussion to resolve technical or other problems. |
The student contributed unique questions/solutions/ideas in the discussion. |
Documentation and Refinement of Design |
The student did not document their progress in a project-specific manner. |
The student superficially documented the progress with no details. |
The student documented their progress with an acceptable amount of details, potentially with open questions or unresolved problems. |
The student created a well-written documentation of work done and/or future plans. |