Setting up your team Scrum Board

Create a Trello Account

if you do not already have one, go to and create an account. You will need this to set up the boards for your team. Accounts are free. Please create the account with your UB email, which will make it much easier for you to be discovered in trello.

Create a Workspace

In order to create boards, you first need to make a workspace to hold them. You can do this using the create link in the topnav in Trello, and selecting "Create Workspace"


Create your board(s)

Use the workspace dropdown in the top nav to switch to the workspace you just created. You can use the same workspace to create boards for both of your teams (if you have two), you just need to make the boards private.

We will create boards from a template to simplify your lives. Go to the following template link, and select "Create Board from template" in the bar under the topnav. (ctrl-click to open in a new tab)

Make the Title your team name, and the workspace the one you just created in the previous step.


Once your board is created, you need to change the visibility so that only members of the board can see and edit it. By default anyone in the workspace can do so, and if you use the same workspace for both teams, they will be able to edit each other's boards!


Invite your team (and staff)

Now that your board has been created, you need to invite your team, since the board is private. You should share the board with the following people:

  • The members of your project team
  • The other PMs in your recitation (they will need access for sprint grading)
  • The instructor of the course you are a PM for
  • The instructor of CSE 404

You do this with the share button in the top right of the board nav.


Check/configure your tags and powerups

While the template SHOULD take care of this, you should verify that they are all in place. Click on "Power-Ups" in the top right, and verify that the following powerups are listed : Github, Card Numbers by Reenhanced, and Card Dependencies by Screenful.


You will need to link your github account to Trello, which you do by clicking on "settings" in the github powerup. This will allow you to follow links into the team's repo, which will be important during sprint grading.