The Project Management (PM) Tool [link]

Keeping track of progress can be tricky, especially if you're juggling multiple courses, teams, and other obligations! In order to help keep things organized, set expections, and provide accountability, the Project Management tool is where you will record the content of your weekly meetings, track individual progress, and assign new work to the team.

Generating Status Reports

After (or during) each weekly meeting, whether it is a regular or checkpoint meeting, you will need to generate a status report. This records the status of the student’s current work, and their tasks for the next week. This is critical for grading, and keeps everyone on the same page! The status reports get emailed to the team (and to you and the course instructor and the 404 instructor).

1. Go to the PM Tool, and select “Status Report”, then click “Generate Report”


2. Select your project from the list


3.Update Student Status


For each student, mark them as “Prepared and On Time”, which means they were on time and all assigned tasks were completed, “Prepared and Late”, which means that they did their tasks but were late to the meeting, and “Unprepared or Absent”, which means that they were either a no-show, or they did not finish their tasks. If they did not show, it's not your job to determine why, or if their absence is justified - that falls on the instructor. Just mark them absent, and the instructor can chose not to deduct points for that as appropriate.

4. Update Task Assignments

If there were previously assigned tasks (all but the first meeting) then they will appear above the text box for new task assignments (where it says “undefined” in the above image). You will enter the work that the student is supposed to do for the coming week in the text box in the “New Tasks Assigned” column.

5. Add minutes and submit

You can use the comments box for any meeting minutes, joint tasks, reminders, etc. When you’re complete, use the “Create Report” to send the status report to the team. You can also save it as a draft, and edit it later. There is an autosave feature, so if you forget to save and the application times out, you should be able to log back in and find it saved as a draft.

6. Making Revisions

If you need to make changes, add additional context, or attach files after the report has been sent, you can update the report. It will be sent again to the team with the updated content.